UAL: Canvas Update 2019

Project summary

Using data insights to find areas to improve for the University's intranet, so staff members are able to find services, book holidays and to keep up to date with the University's activities

Methods & Tools

Methods: User research, co-creation, wireframing

Tools: Statistics tool (3rd party)

Year & Duration

2019, 2 months


UX Designer Advisor and UX Research (assisting), Facilitator lab tests)

Problem statement

HMW improve on the current offerings which will have a positive impact on staff members day to day work life.


Data Analysis

Since the service that we use for the intranet is from a third party we had limitations with the type of data we could extract to gain insights on the usage of the navigation and types of journeys. But with the limited amount of data we could find areas to focus on.

Area of Focus

Highlights on how to best optimise the navigation page layouts based on the data analysis were presented during a team meeting. The meeting provided lessons on how page layouts can affect a users experience in a positive or negative way.


Navigation and Page Template Workshops

I organised and facilitated a workshop with UAL staff to discover what changes, ideas and how they used the platform to do their work. The outcomes were user journey maps, activity graphing, crazy 8 sketches and affinity mapping.

Navigation Sketches

One of the main outcomes from the workshop was how to improve navigation and content discovery on the intranet. Therefore, we focused on creating sketch solutions to refining the existing navigation and page layouts for content placement.


Navigation and Page Building

From the navigation and page template structure workshops the Content team took the guidelines and made changes to the intranet in preparation for the lab testing.


Lab Test

The lab test served as a valuable opportunity to gain general and specific insights on the staffs' usage habits for the platform.

The results from the testing showed that the new navigation and page layouts improved content finding when compared to the old design

Team Presentation

Sharing the development journey and results of the lab test to immediate and extended teams showed team members the value of UX processes and how it can have a positive influence on staffs process.


Post Release Analytics

From the lab testing results and the analytics gathered from the service's analytics tool we were able to see the positive impact that the changes had on the UAL staff members.

Personal Reflection and Next Steps

Personal Relection

It was a pleasure working closely with the centralised Content team to improve the navigation and content presentation for the intranet. These changes had a dramatic improvement on the UAL staffs' workflow and wellbeing, which is the main reason why I became a UX Designer.

Next steps

This platform will always see improvement for the foreseeable future, but due to the lack of opportunity to change the backend of the platform we are very much limited to what changes we can do. But regular monitoring of the platform's performance and user engagement will be monitored through analytical data gathering.