UAL Stories

Project summary

Using discovery and co-creation methods to create solutions to allow content creators to provide stronger experiences through stories. Creating new templates for UAL global stories landing page and the 6 independent college stroies landing pages, as well as a flexible stories article pages.


Co-creation, Workshop facilitation, Crazy 8s, Card sorting, Affinity mapping


Figma, Hotjar, Google Forms

Problem statement

UAL's content creators from internal comms, external comms, and Web College Managers (WCMs) felt restricted by articles contents were displyed on story landing pages and also how to create a dynamic story articles.

HMW enpower content creators, have stories reflect the creative culture of UAL and create templates that are versatile.


Analysis with stakeholders

A workshop was organised and facilited by oneself to extract key information, which was used to deliver an outcome that meets the stakeholders and user's needs.

The first session focused on analysing current UAL stories and competitors.

Ideation with stakeholders

By using the crazy 8s activity the stakeholders were able to visualise their ideas which proved to be more tangible than writing up their suggestions.

Workshop Presentation

Stakeholders shared their ideas with the group and also and all ideas were recorded to be combined with the affinity mappy session


Workshop analysis

Workshop feedback and crazy 8s outcomes were sorted into an affinity map with themes and documented for next steps. The analysised documentation was shared with stakeholders to provide opportunities for further input.



○ Based on the crazy 8s sketches it helped me to understand what my stakeholders wanted, but to shape these ideas into the first set of sketches.

High-fi prototypes

The sketches were transformed into High-fi prototypes to be present back to all stakeholders for further feedback.

Feedback via Figma comments

The co-creation aspect of the project is highly important and Figma's dynamic commenting feature provided a space for all stakeholders to discuss among themselves and provide next steps.

Feedback Documentation

All comments were documented in a shared document to show what will be implement Ed in phase 1 and phase 2 of development.


Live release

Final changes to the templates were done based on the Figma feedback and phase 1 development.


Hotjar and Google analytics

Hotjar was used to get a heat map of users movements and areas of interest. The data was shared with the stakeholders and the wider teams to show the improvements of the new designs compared to the previous designs. Furthermore, the data was used to provide strategic steps on how to change the layouts to improve profromance.

Stakeholder survey

A survey was conducted to receive feedback from stakeholders to get their point of view on the project's performance. The survey focused on the UX aspect to find out if the workshop and other processes were useful. Moreover, what could be improved for future projects with the UX team.

Next Steps and Personal Reflection

Next steps

Since this is the first phase for this project due to UAL undergoing a rebranding that will change the visuals of the website, it has been decided that a complete change of stories wasn't move to take at this current moment. However, with the collection of ideas from the workshop and data based on proformance the next phase of development will happen once the rebranding project is fully on the way to further push the experiences.

Personal relection

During this project I wanted to take a different approach compared to previous ones, which wasn't very transparent for stakeholder, which came from feedback. With a co-creation methodology I was able to bring the stakeholders on a ourney which gave them ownership on the new experinces, as well as making each step transparent. The feedback has been positive and the stakeholders would like to carry on the co-creation process, with a few changes to improve communication among everyone.